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The Forest City (Harley Owners Group) H.O.G. Chapter #9009 has been formed as a riding club that involves its members in group motorcycle rides and events that support our sponsoring dealership Rocky's Harley-Davidson located in London, Ontario.
H.O.G. Chapters provide opportunities for Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners to come together with like-minded people. The goal of H.O.G. in the beginning is the same as it is now - To Ride & Have Fun. Everything a Chapter does should be geared toward that goal. While Chapters may engage in other activities such as fund-raising, its main purpose is to unite members in riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

The Forest City H.O.G. Chapter rides the greatest motorcycles ever made and we belong to the largest motorcycle riding club in the world! This is truly a life-style that brings proud owners of Harley-Davidson motorcycles together.

We meet on the fourth Saturday of every month at James Place restaurant at 1055 Clarke Rd, London, ON.
Our meeting starts at 10am but join us at 9am for breakfast if you can.